Saturday, March 19, 2011

Honduras: Cost Breakdown

The daily total in respect to Honduras is quite deceptive and not very accurate if you are planning to visit this country and not dive. Honduras was in fact one of the cheapest countries I've been to in Central America.

Honduras – 10 Days$49PPPD

Note: The reason the daily total is so high is because it includes $116US in scuba diving costs, nearly $60US in transportation costs to get to the islands, and a couple nights of expensive accommodations in Gracias when I was down after my last theft incident and felt like splurging on a nice place to stay, plus a watch to replace my missing alarm clock. Without all those expenses, my total would have been closer to $28 per day. However, even at a $50/day budget which includes scuba diving, Honduras was incredibly affordable. I think the biggest surprise was how expensive transportation ended up being (relatively speaking). I traveled on only 5 of the 10 days.

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