Friday, February 4, 2011

Getting Ready for Central America

I seem to be haunted by the number seven.  Last year it was Via the Seven Seas (I think in reality it turned out to be 8 or 9 of them), this year it's trip number 7 to the seven countries of Central America in essentially 7 weeks (well - officially it will be 8 weeks). 

Once again the opportunity presented itself to pack my bags one last time prior to returning to full time work.  And for those who know me, an opportunity like that cannot be passed up on. As a result I'm flying out tomorrow to Panama and from there traversing the intercontinental isthmus all the way to Belize.  That is virtually all I know right now.  The rest will be sorted out on the plane or while I slowly travel northbound.

The concept is to enjoy the nature, the culture and the sun.  From visiting the Panama Canal, zipplining through Cloud Forest in Costa Rica, to climbing volcanoes in Nicaragua.  Maybe some surfing in El Salvador, some Mayan ruins in Honduras and some souvenir shopping in traditional markets in Guatemala all wrapped up with beach bumming and scuba diving in Belize. 

Hopefully the trip will give me the opportunity to polish (or rather build on) my non-existent Spanish, to take another several thousand photos and to soak up a last few weeks of freedom before returning to the reality of an employed lifestyle.

For now I have 26 hours to go until my flight and none of the packing is done.  That together with the endless number of housecleaning items and other last minute preparations should keep me occupied for 24 out of those 26 hours. 

I will try to keep the blog up to date throughout the trip, but my ability to do so will greatly depend on the availability of internet connections.  Upon departing each country I will also attempt to post a breakdown of my expenses.  Hopefully data like that will assist anyone reading it in planning their future excursions.

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