Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bikinis with Legs: Yet Another Random Theft

I guess generally when you think of bikinis you also think of legs – nice long straight legs protruding from them. Yet that is not what I’m referring to here.  Instead I think that the bikini bottoms grew legs and walked away while illuminating their path with my favorite headlamp.
We arrived at what seemed to be the end of the world last night around midnight. After nearly 16 hours spent in transit we were happy to be here and not very picky as to our accommodation.  Our transfer included a night’s stay at Posada el Zapote and that’s where we were brought to.  The dorm was nothing great – a big attic with mosquito netting in the windows and 10 beds spread on the floor.  Only two were occupied so we got to pick from the other 8.
After leaving our bags and heading back down to the restaurant area for a quick bit to eat we returned to get ready for bed.  One of the girls staying in the dorm came up with us and after some time inquired whether we had seen a white hat and sunglasses on any of the beds.  We replied in the negative and she let the subject drop till the next morning.  However, when a further search in daylight still failed to reveal her hat and sunglasses she began to ask around again.  Yet no one had seen them.  They simply vanished and we were joking around that she probably no longer wanted them and misplaced them on purpose.  The only other possibility was that one of the numerous cats walked away with them.
Well, in the evening, after a day spent soaking in local waterfalls, we went up to the dorm to change out of our wet swimwear.  We laid our bikinis on the bed next to mine (which was near the door) so that they could dry off.  Knowing that it gets dark quickly and that if anyone goes to bed early a headlamp might come in handy, I placed that on the bed next to the bikinis.  About an hour later we decided to head up and get our bags packed so that they would be ready for the early morning on the following day.
Well, apparently not only did Tamara’s hat and sunglasses grow legs, but also the bikini bottoms and the headlamp.  They simply vanished.  We searched every corner of that room, dumped our entire packs, repacked everything from scratch, checked under every mattress but the bottoms and the lamp were not to be found.  Odd things to steal…   
There are no monkeys really in this area, and we’re pretty sure that no dog or cat walked off with these items.  However, there is a little cottage about 200 meters away from the hostel and coming back from the waterfalls we got accosted by about 6-8 little kids, all begging for money, sweets, water, earrings or whatever we would be willing to give them.  They followed us almost to the hostel before turning back.
As we were sitting in the evening in the restaurant reviewing some of our photos, a bunch of them showed up on the property with their mother.  She headed to the kitchen and chatted to the staff while the kids roamed between all the buildings.  I do not want to point any accusatory fingers, but who in the world needs wet, just used bikini bottoms?  Our only explanation is that they simply sneak into the room, grab the first thing or things that they can get their hands on, and run off, checking only later what their bounty was. 
It sure would make for a well dressed cat by now.  He could put on the bikini bottoms, throw on the hat and put on the sunglasses and overtop it all mount the headlamp so that he can shine his way to a bush at night.  All that was still missing was a pair of boots and we would have a very fashionable Puss in Boots, one that could easily compete with the dog I saw (and photographed) in Antigua.

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